Simple Supplements for the Mindful Momma Household
As someone who has been through many phases from
being underweight
being overweight
eating very unhealthy
eating a plant-based diet
eating a predominantly plant based (yet still eating some seafood or a few sweet treats here and there) diet
struggling with severe iron deficiency anemia which caused hair loss, weight gain, and a whole other list of problems
I have always turned towards the holistic natural approach.
Everyone’s lifestyle and what works from them are different.
I will offer my insight on what works to target problem areas within me and my family!
Lets start with…
There are so many different supplements out there yet I feel everyone should start with a simple multivitamin. Now, I know FOOD should be your “multivitamin” yet in today's world you may not get the amount of fruits, veggies, legumes, beans, meats, etc. needed for your body each and everyday to provide you with all the nutrients that you need… and that’s okay!
I take a Prenatal vitamin (since I’m breastfeeding) yet a regular multivitamin may do wonders. It adds in the nutrients that you may not be getting through your food.
Next, I take iron every day. Now since I have such low levels of anemia (at one point it made my skin turn YELLOW it was bizarre) I take much higher levels of iron. Some days I take lots of supplements combined with “food-based iron”. Other days I’ll eat a diet high in iron yet only take a small iron supplement or none at all. Yet everyday I make sure to pair the irons with Vitamin C.
Sometimes we not only have an iron issue we have an absorption issue (which was the case for me) so make sure to pair your iron intakes with vitamin C so it can be easily absorbed.
Here are a list of supplements (and more) that I feel are a good starting point for all Mindful Mommas! These are what I personally take throughout the week. (Iron daily due to my anemia). Feel free to do your own independent research and see which ones you feel will work best for you and your family!
Prenatal vitamin
Ultra-Strength styled vitamins
Seamoss (as your multivitamin)
beef liver
liquid iron
herbal teas with lots of herbs that are enriched in iron
regular iron supplement
A vitamin with all the B-Vitamins
Omega-3 Fatty Acids (DHA)
Vitamin D (get outside in the sun as much as possible)
There are so many herbs that you can be used every single day that I’ll be creating an entire separate post just for the Herbal Mindful Mommas!